Key Click Pro for macOS

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Eric David Smith
Software Engineer / Musician / Entrepreneur
Key Click Pro - Track mouse clicks & keystrokes in your macOS status bar | Product Hunt
Key Click Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Key Click Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith

Key Click Pro for macOS

If you're into tracking your productivity, you'll love Key Click Pro. This macOS app is designed to track your keystrokes and mouse clicks, providing insights into your computer usage patterns and helping you gauge your productivity levels.

Key Click Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Key Click Pro for macOS
Key Click Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Key Click Pro for macOS
Key Click Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Key Click Pro for macOS
Key Click Pro for macOS by Eric David Smith
Click image to download Key Click Pro for macOS


Have you ever wondered how much you actually interact with your computer throughout the day? Key Click Pro is here to shine a light on your daily digital habits. This macOS app is meticulously designed to track your keystrokes and mouse clicks, providing insights into your computer usage patterns and helping you gauge your productivity levels.

Features and Functions

Frequently Asked Questions

... and many more questions answered in the app's 'Help & FAQs' section!

Wrapping Up

Key Click Pro isn't just another app; it's a tool designed to help users understand and enhance their computer interactions. With its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and a strong commitment to privacy, Key Click Pro is a must-have for anyone keen on optimizing their digital productivity.


Get it in the macOS App Store - Download Key Click Pro for macOS

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Eric David Smith
Software Engineer / Musician / Entrepreneur
Macos Apps

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