SvelteIt UX/UI Library

This post was originally posted on my old blog and I have not tested it with the latest versions of Svelte
SvelteIt is a minimal UI/UX component library for Svelte and Sapper projects
Out of the box, we're launching with ~30 SvelteIt components and plan to add more throughout our journey. Admittedly so, this is our first take on writing UI components for the open source community. We imagine this journey will be exciting at times and painful at others. For now, we're having fun!
Yes, there are many component libraries out there today, but we wanted our own. If you like our components, use it. If you see a problem, make a pull request or fork your own and roll with it.
In this example, you can add a Card component in a couple of ways.
import { Card, Button } from '@colorfuldots/svelteit'
<h3>I have a title</h3>
<p>I have a description</p>
<Button success rounded medium outlined>I have a button, Baby!</Button>
<!-- OR you could do it like this -->
title="I have a title"
description="I have a description"
buttonComponent={<Button success rounded medium outlined>I have a button, Baby!</Button>}
Thanks for reading. Happy coding!
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