LinkLock Pro - The Ultimate Bookmarking App

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Eric David Smith
Software Engineer / Musician / Entrepreneur
LinkLock Pro - The ultimate bookmarking app | Product Hunt
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LinkLock Pro Interface
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Colorful Dots, LLC - Eric David Smith

Price: $4.99 $0.99

View in Mac App Store

What is LinkLock Pro?

LinkLock Pro is an all-in-one bookmark manager that simplifies the way you save and access your bookmarks. With support for MacOS 13.0 and up, including M1 compatibility, it offers a seamless experience on the latest Apple devices.

Gone are the days of disorganized bookmarks and struggling to remember the content behind each link. LinkLock Pro's powerful web scraping engine automatically fetches page titles, descriptions, and website branding images for all your saved links, making it easy to identify them at a glance.

LinkLock Pro Custom Categories

Compatible with macOS 13.0 and up, including M1 support.

Key Features:

Why Choose LinkLock Pro?

Perfect for Everyone

Additional Benefits

Download LinkLock Pro Today!

Boost your productivity, stay organized, and keep your data secure with LinkLock Pro. Try it today and experience the ultimate bookmark management solution for your computer!

Technology Used:

New in Version 1.0.2 (June 10 2024)

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Eric David Smith
Software Engineer / Musician / Entrepreneur

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